I would be lying if I didn't say I fell in love with Dalian because of the people. There are so many great people here and their hearts are as big as the city itself. I have made so many friends and each of them teach me something new everyday. My very best friend Victoria is also my Chinese teacher. I love her so much because she is patient and kind and.......crazy (Victoria "I'M NOT CRAZY!!"). She always knows how to have a good time and she has such a beautiful personality. Michael (My Ke Ai) is another one of my very good friends. He is truly the most profound person I have ever met. One of the most favorite things I like about him is his wit. His attempt to be poetic one day yielded this result.
A poem
by Michael
"Beautiful Sunshine,
Gentle Breeze,
Silent Office,
Take a nap."
It seemed silly at the time but as I look back I realize that this is what my experience has been like. Even when the weather is bad my friends here make my days beautiful and peaceful. I don't know what my life would be like if I had not met Michael and Victoria.